
- Calling the Storm_89x162cm_35’03×63’78In_Oil on Linen_PRIVATE COLLECTION
- Adán y Eva en el Paraiso de la Inconsciencia ( Adam and Eve in the Paradise of unawareness_81x 92cm ( 31.9×36.2in)_Oil on canvas
- Written in Stone_diameter 1m_39inch_Oil paint on linen over wood
- El sueño del caballero II(Inspiration)_Detail
- El sueño del caballero II(Inspiration)_195x130cm_Oleo sobre Lino
- Perseus_46x33cm_Oleo sobre Lino
- the choosing of an Idea_146x81cm_Oil on painting
- Detail_the choosing of an Idea_57,48×31,88In_146x81cm_Oil on linen
- La Crisis_Detalle_180x125_Oleo sobre lino
- La Crisis_180x125cm (70.9×49.2in)_oil on canvas
- Ser o no (To be or not)_180x120cm( 70.9x 47.2 in)_oil on canvas
- kaaterskill Waterfalls_80x50cm( 31.5x 19.7 in)_Oil on canvas
- General Alava ( Louvre 1815)_110x85_Oil on canvas
- Sleep/ Sueño_(45x61cm/17’7×24’01in)_Oil on linen
- River in Hunter, NY_(33x81cm/12’9×31’8in)_Oil on linen
- Close up of “the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist”_150cmx200cm_59x78,74In_Oil on Linen
- Detail of the executioner from the painting “St John the Baptist”
- The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist_150cmx200cm_59x78,74In_Oil on Linen
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