Video of the oil painting : “Delving into the seas within”_applying Gold Leaf & presentation ( censored)
Video de la pintura al oleo “El Oceano interior tras la superficial mutabilidad”_ Poniendo Pan de Oro MºCarmen Veiga
Teófilo Moro poniendo pan de oro sobre la obra “La decapitación de San Juan bautista” de Mikel Olazábal, 150x200cm.
Teofilo Moro applying gold leaf to the painting of Mikel Olazabal, “The beheading of Saint John Apostle”, 59×78’74In.
Teófilo Moro Rodriguez ( Madrid), de casi 90 años aplica pan de oro a la corona de San Juan Bautista. Años de experiencia resumidos en un muy preciso y experto instante. Ha sido un placer verle trabajar.
Teofilo Moro Rodriguez the Master gilder from Madrid applying gold leaf with expertise to the halo of St. John the baptist. He is almost 90 years old and it has been a pleasure to see him work with the expertise of his craftsmanship.